
Strong together

While a cleaner environment starts with yourself, in the end we achieve it together.
VANG does more than create tools that provide insight in waste streams. We also work
together with many parties to streamline the process of collection and registration. That way, every kilogram is accounted for. We provide a clear picture of actual re-use of materials from all material streams moving within your organisation.

We achieve this by using smart tools for planners and drivers, for example. There is also
an expansive chain-registration program that sorting facilities, transshipment stations and processing plants
together using short lines of communication and makes importand information tangible.

Clear information

Information about the products and services by VANG is available using the links below. We will send you this information as a PDF: clear and easy!


VANGmonitor gives clear insight in perormance through up-to-date information, presented in a clear format.


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VANGtool provides grip on the performance of your organisation, not just on a high level but in great detail when required.


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VANG consultancy provides your organisation with training and support. This way, you can get the most out of our platform.


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